What is the Difference Between 1 Step and 4 Step Buttonhole?

Last Updated on February 27, 2023

Discover What is the Difference Between 1 Step and 4 Step Buttonhole: When learning to sew or make a garment, buttonhole stitching can be a great way to jazz up the design. But did you know there are two types of buttonhole stitches – the one-step and four-step? In this article, we’ll break down the difference between these two types of stitches and determine which suits your project.

One-step Buttonhole: What Does 1 Step Buttonhole Mean?

A one-step buttonhole is just as it sounds – it’s done in one step, in a single motion. This stitch type is typically recommended for lighter fabrics because it creates an evenly finished edge on either side with fewer layers of fabric underneath. A one-step buttonhole is a type of buttonhole foot used with a sewing machine.

One-step Buttonhole

It has a gap where the button is placed and a black lever that controls the direction of the machine. The process involves selecting the buttonhole stitch, placing the fabric with the button under the foot, and the machine will automatically stitch the buttonhole. Once finished, the buttonhole can be cut open with a seam ripper, and the button can be inserted.

To create a one-step buttonhole, mark off where you want the buttonhole to go, insert your fabric under the machine’s presser foot, and press the lever down when ready. The machine will automatically create an evenly spaced stitch and finish one end before starting on the other -all in one movement!

The 1-Step buttonhole is usually used for regular clothing items such as jeans and shirts and lightweight pieces like blankets and placemats. You can either make straight or curved stitches depending on your desired look. This buttonhole style may be decorated with ribbons or beads for embellishment, although this is optional.

4-step Buttonehole: What Does 4 Steps Buttonhole Mean?

What Does 4 Steps Buttonhole Mean

A 4 step buttonhole is a type of buttonhole created by a sewing machine that requires the user to choose four stitches to create a buttonhole manually. The four stitches are made in sequence:

  • A straight stitch down one side of the buttonhole,
  • A bar tack at the bottom of the buttonhole,
  • A straight stitch up the other side of the buttonhole, and
  • A bar tack at the top of the buttonhole.

The length of the stitches can be adjusted to make them closer or further apart, but care must be taken to ensure the fabric still feeds through the buttonhole sewing machine. The user must select the correct stitch on their machine and position the fabric correctly before sewing.

What is the Main Difference Between One-step Buttonholes and 4 Steps Buttonholes? – 1 Step Vs 4 Step Buttonhole

The main difference between a one-step buttonhole and a 4-step button is the 1-step buttonhole, which is more automatic, and the 4-step, which is more manual.

Buttonhole Type1 Step Buttonhole4 Step Buttonhole
Ease of useEasierMore complicated
ConsistencyMore consistentLess consistent
AccuracyMore accurateLess accurate
FlexibilityLess flexibleMore flexible
1 Step Vs 4 Step Buttonhole


In conclusion, the differences between 1-step and 4-step buttonholes are easily identifiable. The 1 step format is ideal for those who have experience in sewing or do not want to spend a lot of time on their project as it requires shorter machine setup time. The 4-step format will require more machine setup and time, but the buttons will look more professional and secure.

No matter which style you choose, they both offer advantages. If used properly, it can give your project an extra special touch!


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