Brother JA1400 vs. JV1400 – (Comparison & Review)

Last Updated on October 25, 2023

Compare Brother JA1400 vs. JV1400: When it comes to beginner-friendly sewing machines, Brother offers two notable options: the Brother JA1400 and the Brother JV1400. Both machines come from the same brand and share many similar features.

Brother JA1400 vs. JV1400
Image Source: Amazon, Canva

Brother JA1400 vs. JV1400 Sewing machine

Here, we will compare these two models to help you decide which one suits your sewing needs. Let’s dive into the details!

Brother JA1400 vs. JV1400

Price and Availability

The Brother JA1400 and the Brother JV1400 are readily available in various stores, including Amazon, Walmart, Bestbuy, etc. The price range for these machines falls between $150 to $200.

Highlighted Features

Both the JA1400 and the JV1400 boast several highlighted features, including LED lighting, a top load bobbin, and a four-step buttonhole.

Additionally, they offer 14 built-in stitches, providing versatility in your sewing projects. These features make both machines compact, easy to use, and suitable for sewing and mending tasks.


Brother JA1400 Stitches

The 14 built-in stitches both machines offer cover various sewing needs. These stitches include buttonholes, zigzags, straight stitches in different positions and sizes, and decorative stitches. Whether you need to create functional garments or add decorative touches, these machines have you covered.

Additional Features

In terms of additional features, both the JA1400 and the JV1400 offer a top load bobbin, LED light for improved visibility, and auto-set stitch length and width. The buttonhole function is a four-step process on both machines.

Furthermore, they provide free arm sewing capability, allowing you to work on cylindrical items like sleeves and pant legs easily. The maximum stitch width is five millimeters, and the maximum stitch length is four millimeters for both machines.

Included Accessories

Both machines come with a set of accessories to enhance your sewing experience. These accessories include a buttonhole foot, zipper foot, zigzag foot, four bobbins, a needle set, a foot controller for convenient operation, and an instructional DVD to help you get started.

Video: Take a Closer Look at the Brother JA1400


In conclusion, the Brother JA1400 and the Brother JV1400 are two excellent beginner-friendly sewing machines from Brother. They share the same brand, features, and capabilities, making them suitable options for beginners.

Consider factors such as pricing, availability, and any additional accessories you may require. Whichever model you choose, both the JA1400 and the JV1400 will provide you with a compact, easy-to-use sewing machine equipped with various stitches for your creative sewing endeavors. Happy sewing!


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