Can You Iron a Suit? How to?

Last Updated on September 11, 2023

Can you iron a suit? A well-fitted suit is a timeless wardrobe staple that exudes elegance and professionalism. However, no matter how carefully you store it, wrinkles and creases can still make an unwelcome appearance.

Many individuals are hesitant to press a jacket, and even professional tailors can spend up to 45 minutes meticulously ironing one to perfection.

While the tools tailors use can be quite expensive, we’re here to show you how to press a jacket at home with minimal equipment investment.

Here, we’ll delve into the art of keeping your suit looking sharp using these techniques.

Ironing Different Fabrics

You must use an iron if your jacket is made of linen or cotton. Linen can withstand high heat, so crank up the temperature and set it to maximum steam.

More steam equals better results. However, ironing linen or cotton jackets can be a bit more challenging, but it’s entirely manageable.

Read More – How to Iron a Button Up Shirt  – (Step by Step)

Steam: Your Best Friend for Wool

The easiest way to remove wrinkles from a woolen jacket is by utilizing steam. The cost-effective method involves hanging your jacket on a hanger with broad shoulder pads, maintaining the shoulder’s shape.

Then, place it in your bathroom, turn on the hot water, and let the room fill with steam. Allow the jacket to hang overnight; most of the severe wrinkles should have vanished in the morning.

Invest in a Steamer

Consider investing in a steamer, which usually costs around $100, for a faster and more efficient alternative. A good steamer can produce a generous amount of steam, allowing you to de-wrinkle specific areas, such as the sleeve head, sleeves, or the back of the jacket. This method works especially well with quality woolen fabrics.

However, if your jacket is made of linen or cotton, you must use traditional ironing and pressing methods. These fabrics are less forgiving but can still be managed.

Pressing with an Iron – Can you iron a suit?

Can you iron a suit

Yes, you can iron a suit, but it requires careful attention and the right equipment to avoid damaging the fabric or altering its shape.

If you only have a regular iron and ironing board, your pressing options are limited. Focus on the flat areas of the jacket, such as the front quarters, pockets, pocket flaps, and the center back seam.

If you’re feeling ambitious, you can also tackle the sleeves, though this involves ironing two layers of fabric on top of each other, which could be better but can be done.

Invest around $35 in a sleeve board and a tailor’s ham to make the process more manageable. These two tools will greatly aid in ironing your jacket, allowing you to achieve excellent results on any part of the garment.

Step-by-Step Guide to Ironing a Jacket

Now, let’s break down the steps to ironing your jacket at home:

Start with the Body

Start with the Body - Can you iron a suit

Begin with the body of the jacket. Lay it over the tip of the ironing board, like ironing a shirt. Place a pressing cloth between the iron and the garment to prevent the jacket from getting shiny.

Ensure the pressing cloth is lint-free and smooth it out to observe your ironing progress.

Focus on the Lapels

Focus on the Lapels

Use a tailor’s ham and sleeve board to iron the lapels. The goal is to achieve the natural rounding that high-quality jackets possess.

Mind the Seams

Mind the Seams - Can you iron a suit

Be cautious when ironing the center seam and the back vents. Avoid pressing too hard on the seams to prevent visible marks on the fabric, especially with thinner materials.

Iron the Sleeves

Iron the Sleeves

Utilize a sleeve board to iron the sleeves, maintaining any natural curves. Avoid pressing the edges too hard to prevent a military-style look.

Work on the Sleeve Head

Use the tailor’s ham to iron the sleeve head, ensuring it drapes well. Steam and gentle motions are key.

Chest and Back Areas

Chest and Back Areas

Iron the front and back of the chest area, following the jacket’s shape. Use steam to eliminate wrinkles.

Collar and Pockets

Collar and Pockets

Iron the collar and patch pockets using the sleeve board and tailor’s ham. This is tricky to do on a flat ironing board, so these tools are essential for a nicely rolled and draped result.

Final Inspection

Can You Iron a Suit

After ironing:

  1. Hang your jacket on a hanger or a mannequin to inspect it thoroughly.
  2. Check the lapels, shoulders, sleeves, and back for any missed wrinkles or signs of waviness.
  3. Pay attention to the lining; if it has wrinkles, use steam to release them gently.

Address Lining Wrinkles

Use a steam iron to release wrinkles in the lining. Be gentle to avoid creating new wrinkles on the exterior of the jacket.


Congratulations! You now have the knowledge and tools to iron your jacket at home and achieve a polished, well-pressed look.

Remember that practice makes perfect, so don’t be discouraged if your first attempt isn’t flawless. With time and patience, you’ll become a master at maintaining your tailored garments.

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out the earlier parts of our ironing series for comprehensive guidance on other clothing items.

Credit – Amazon, Gentleman’s Gazette

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