Denim vs. Twill Fabric – (Comparison)

Last Updated on March 19, 2024

Few weave patterns stand out as prominently in textiles as twill. Characterized by its distinctive diagonal ribbing, twill is renowned for its strength, durability, and versatility. Denim, a household name in the realm of fashion, is a specific type of twill that has gained widespread recognition.

Denim vs. Twill Fabric


  • Twill weave means strong diagonal lines, making fabric tough and lasting.
  • Denim is a special twill with diagonal lines and a blue color, loved for its rugged look.
  • Bull denim is like denim but smoother and the same color; it’s great for many things.
  • Twill fabrics aren’t just denim; they come in different weights and are good for many things.
  • Classic twill fabrics like denim are still cool because they blend old weaving methods with modern style.

Denim vs. Twill Fabric

Denim, a type of twill fabric, features a distinctive diagonal ribbing, renowned for its durability and iconic blue hue. Twill fabric encompasses a broader range beyond denim, offering versatility in weights, textures, and applications, from lightweight drapery to heavyweight upholstery.

Here, we delve into the intricacies of denim and twill fabrics, exploring their similarities, differences, and unique characteristics.

Understanding the Weave

To appreciate the disparity between denim and twill, it’s essential to grasp the fundamentals of the twill weave. Unlike a plain weave, where the weft traverses over and under a single warp yarn, twill involves crossing over multiple warp yarns before shifting diagonally to create the characteristic pattern. This offsetting pattern results in diagonal lines, imparting strength and resilience to the fabric.

Denim: A Classic Twill Variant


Denim, synonymous with durability and ruggedness, is a quintessential example of twill fabric. Vertical warp yarns are traditionally dyed blue in denim production, while the weft yarn remains natural.

The weaving technique involves the weft passing over one blue yarn and under either two or three blue yarns, producing diagonal ribs predominantly visible on the reverse side. This construction not only enhances durability but also lends denim its iconic appearance.

The Rise of Bull Denim

A variant of traditional denim, bull denim shares the same twill weave but undergoes dyeing after weaving, resulting in a uniform coloration. This method imparts a smoother texture and consistent appearance, making bull denim a favored choice for both apparel and home decor applications, including upholstery.

Twill Beyond Denim

While denim commands attention as a heavyweight twill fabric, the diverse range of twills available in the market is worth noting.

Micro brushed twill, gabardine, and poly-cotton twill are just a few examples found in apparel and home furnishing textiles. These twills offer varying weights, textures, and finishes, catering to a broad spectrum of consumer preferences.

Comparing Denim and Twill

Despite denim’s status as a type of twill, notable distinctions exist between the two fabrics. With its characteristic blue warp yarns and diagonal ribbing, Denim exudes a rugged charm ideal for casual wear. Its durability and ability to withstand wear and tear make it a staple in workwear and everyday clothing.

In contrast, twill fabrics encompass a broader spectrum, ranging from lightweight options suitable for drapery to heavyweight variants like denim. Twill’s versatility extends beyond apparel, finding applications in upholstery, accessories, and even industrial settings.


So, the interplay between weave patterns and fabric properties yields an array of options catering to diverse needs and preferences. With its roots deeply embedded in the twill weave, Denim continues to captivate fashion enthusiasts with its timeless appeal and rugged durability.

Meanwhile, twill fabrics, including denim variants and beyond, offer a versatile canvas for designers and consumers alike, blending strength, style, and functionality in equal measure.

Whether it’s the enduring charm of denim or the versatility of twill, both fabrics showcase the enduring legacy of the weaving craft in the modern world.