Can You Dye Fabric With Mica Powder? (Here is How!)

Last Updated on August 5, 2023

Discover, Can You Dye Fabric With Mica Powder? Hello, dear! I have an exciting and unique idea to share with you for using mica powders. I absolutely adore dyeing laces, silks, and fabrics, and mica powders have proven to be a fun and easy-to-use medium.

If you want a natural and safe way to dye your fabric, mica powder could be a great option. However, before you start, there are a few things you need to know. Here, we will explore how it can be used to dye fabric to achieve the best results.

Can You Dye Fabric With Mica Powder
Image source: Youtube (Finnabair Art Files), Canva

Can you dye fabric with mica powder?

Yes, it is possible to dye fabric with mica powder for dyeing laces, silks, and fabric. Dipping the fabric into water mixed with mica powder results in a color change in the fabric, and using a soft matte gel and jewel effect paste to achieve different effects on the fabric.

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Materials Needed

  • Fabrics, silks, or laces (preferably natural fibers)
  • Mica powders of your choice
  • Soft matte gel or soft cloth gel
  • Recycled paper or a palette knife
  • Water
  • Baby wipes (for easy clean-up)

Steps – How to dye fabric with mica powder

In this step-by-step guide, I will show you how I dye fabric using mica powders, and you can customize the process according to your needs.

Step 1: Preparation

Image source: Youtube (Finnabair Art Files)

Gather your fabric or silk pieces that you want to dye. Make sure they are spotless and free of stains. Given their sensitivity to heat, synthetic fibers are not advised for this technique.

Step 2: Choose Mica Powder and Soft Gel 

Select the mica powder color(s) you wish to use for dyeing. Prepare soft matte gel or soft cloth gel as the medium for binding the powder to the fabric.

Step 3: Test Color

Image source: Youtube (Finnabair Art Files)

For a test, dilute the soft gel with water to achieve the desired consistency. Apply the gel mixture with a brush or palette knife before dipping it into the mica powder. Apply the mixture to a small area of the fabric and make sure it is completely absorbed. Observe the color and adjust the powder-to-gel ratio as needed.

Step 4: Apply Mica Powder

Image source: Youtube (Finnabair Art Files)

Once you have determined the appropriate ratio, apply the gel mixture with mica powder onto the fabric. Ensure that the powder is evenly distributed and adheres to the fibers. You can experiment with different colors and shades on separate fabric pieces.

Step 5: Allow Fabric to Dry

Let the dyed fabric air dry completely. This will help the color set and prevent it from rubbing off onto your hands. Be aware that darker shades of mica powders might take longer to dry.

Step 6: Clean Up and Finish

Clean Up and Finish
Image source: Youtube (Finnabair Art Files)

Clean your hands using baby wipes or a suitable cleanser to remove any residual powder or gel. Dispose of any unused gel or paper used during the process. Once the fabric is dry, you can use it for various creative projects such as art journaling or embellishments.


Using Jewel Effect Paste If you want to add a shiny effect to your fabric, you can also try using jewel effect paste. Apply it similarly to the mica powder mixture, but be aware that it might make the fabric slightly stiff once dry. Experiment with different colors and amounts to achieve desired results.

Can you dye polyester with mica powder?

Yes, you can dye polyester with mica powder. To alter its color, Mica powder can be used to tint polyester resin, such as TotalBoat Polyester Laminating Resin and TotalBoat Polyester Finishing Resin. This can be done while the resin is still in its liquid form and before catalyzing it with MEKP (Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide).

Can you dye fabric with pigment powder?

Yes, you can dye fabric with pigment powder. Pigments are finely ground dry colorants commonly used in various applications, including fabric coloring. To create a paste or liquid consistency, dye fabric with pigment powder is typically mixed with a binding agent or medium, such as a fabric medium or acrylic medium.

This mixture is then applied to the fabric and allowed to dry and set. It is important to follow specific instructions and recommendations for using pigment powder on fabric, as different types of fabric may require different techniques and treatments for optimal results.

What is the difference between mica powder and pigment powder?

The main difference between mica powder and pigment powder is Mica powder provides a shimmering and glossy effect, while pigment powder has a matte appearance.

Mica powder is versatile and finds applications in beauty products, healthcare products, and art supplies, offering flexibility in its usage. Pigment powder, on the other hand, lacks shimmer but provides solid color and is commonly used in various artistic endeavors.


I hope you enjoyed this step-by-step guide on dyeing fabric with mica powder. It’s a fantastic way to add color and sparkle to your fabrics, laces, and silks. Remember to explore different color combinations and techniques to create unique and inspiring pieces. Have fun experimenting with mica powders and jewel paste!

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