E6000 vs. B7000 – Difference between E6000 and B7000

Last Updated on March 13, 2024

Hello, dearest craft lovers! Today, we unraveled the differences between two heavyweights in the adhesive industry: E6000 and B7000 Craft Adhesive. In a previous discussion, we delved into the distinctions between B6000 and E6000 and B6000 and B7000.


  • E6000 edges ahead with a solid content of 38-45, ensuring quicker drying times than B7000.
  • B7000 proves itself across various materials, including jewelry, fabric, leather, plastics, glass, ceramics, and metals.
  • E6000 excels in diverse projects, offering strength and efficiency in bonding wood, metal, glass, ceramics, and plastics.
  • Choose between E6000 and B7000 based on your project’s requirements, considering factors like drying times and material compatibility.

E6000 vs. B7000 – Difference between E6000 and B7000

E6000 and B7000 differ primarily in their solid content and drying times. With a solid content of 38-45, E6000 tends to dry faster, making it suitable for quick-bonding projects, while B7000, with a solid content of 30-35, offers versatility across various materials with a slightly longer drying time. Choose based on your project’s time sensitivity and material requirements.

Now, let’s explore the unique properties of E6000 and B7000, shedding light on their solid content, drying times, and versatile applications.

Solid Content and Drying Times

One crucial factor that sets E6000 and B7000 apart is their solid content. B7000 boasts a solid content ranging from 30 to 35, whereas E6000 takes the lead with a slightly higher range of 38 to 45.

This discrepancy suggests that E6000 has the potential to dry faster than its counterpart, making it a favorable choice for projects that require a swift bonding process.

Applications of B7000

Now, let’s explore the diverse applications of B7000. This adhesive has proven invaluable across various crafting endeavors. Whether you’re working on jewelry, fabric, leather, or even plastics, B7000 is a reliable companion. Its versatility extends to bonding glass, ceramics, and metals, making it a go-to adhesive for various creative projects.

Applications of E6000

Switching our focus to E6000, this adhesive is renowned for its remarkable versatility and strength. With a solid content conducive to faster drying, E6000 is ideal for projects that demand efficiency.

Its applications include bonding wood, metal, glass, ceramics, and even plastics. Crafters often turn to E6000 for its exceptional performance in diverse materials, making it a staple in many workshops.

Choosing the Right Adhesive

When deciding between E6000 and B7000, consider the specific needs of your project. The solid content and drying times are crucial aspects to ponder.

If a rapid bonding process is paramount, E6000 might be the preferred choice. On the other hand, if versatility and a slightly longer drying time are acceptable, B7000 may be the better fit.

Parameters to Consider

To assist you in making an informed decision, here are key parameters to consider:

  • Solid Content
  • Drying Times
  • Project Requirements
  • Material Compatibility

Which is better E6000 or B7000?

The choice between B6000 and B7000 depends on your specific project requirements. Here are some considerations to help you decide:

  1. Solid Content: B7000 has solid content ranging from 30 to 35, while B6000’s solid content may vary. If a slightly higher solid content is essential for your project, B6000 might be preferable.
  2. Drying Times: B7000 generally has a slightly longer drying time than B6000. If a faster bonding process is crucial for your project, B6000 might be the better choice.
  3. Versatility: Both adhesives are versatile and can be used on various materials, including plastics, glass, ceramics, and metals. Consider the specific materials you’ll be working with to determine which adhesive best suits your project.
  4. User Preferences: Some crafters may have personal preferences based on their experiences with each adhesive. You might lean towards that option if you have used one successfully and are comfortable with its application.
  5. Project Requirements: Consider the specific requirements of your project. If a particular drying time or solid content is crucial for the success of your craft, choose the adhesive that aligns best with those needs.


What is the solid content of B7000 and E6000 adhesives?

B7000 has a solid content ranging from 30 to 35, while E6000 boasts a slightly higher range of 38 to 45.

Which adhesive dries faster, E6000 or B7000?

E6000 has the potential to dry faster due to its higher solid content.

What materials can B7000 be used for?

B7000 is versatile and suitable for bonding materials such as jewelry, fabric, leather, plastics, glass, ceramics, and metals.

What are the applications of E6000 adhesive?

E6000 is renowned for its versatility, excelling in bonding wood, metal, glass, ceramics, and plastics.

What parameters should be considered when choosing between E6000 and B7000?

Key parameters to consider include solid content, drying times, specific project requirements, and material compatibility.

Can E6000 and B7000 be used interchangeably?

The choice between E6000 and B7000 depends on your project’s specific needs. For the best results, consider factors such as drying times and material compatibility.

Where can I share my experiences with E6000 and B7000?

Share your insights and experiences in the comment section of related videos or discussions online to help fellow crafters make informed decisions.


Before you embark on your next crafting adventure, share your experiences with B7000 and E6000 in the comment section below. Your insights can guide fellow crafters in making the right choice for their projects. Stay with us for future guides that will empower you to choose the perfect adhesive for your creative endeavors.