How to Dye Fabric with Lavender – (Step by Step)

Last Updated on August 10, 2023

Learn “How to Dye Fabric with Lavender”: If you’ve ever gazed upon the serene beauty of lavender in your garden and wondered if its soothing hues could be transferred onto fabric, you’re in for a delightful treat. Here, we’ll guide you through the enchanting process of dyeing fabric with lavender.

How to Dye Fabric with Lavender

From foraging in your garden to creating stunning color palettes, this journey promises a touch of nature’s elegance in your DIY projects.

So, grab your gardening gloves, and let’s explore the art of botanical fabric dyeing with the fragrant and lovely lavender!

Dive into the art of dyeing with Acrylic Paint, Turmeric, Tea, Coffee, Black ink, Polyamide, Wine, Sharpie, Food Coloring, Mica Powder, Turmeric, Rose Petals, Indigo Leaves, Onion Skins, Avocado, Flowers, Dylon, Kool-aid, Rit-Dye, Spray Paint, Alcohol Ink, Watercolor Paint, and Hair Dye. Intrigued? Explore the captivating articles and unleash your creativity.

How to Dye Fabric with Lavender

Discovering natural dye plants, like the beautiful butterfly lavender. To ethically forage, trim mature parts of the plant while leaving some for our insect friends.

Harvest the buds, leaves, and stems of the lavender plant. Once collected, these parts can create unique and lovely natural dyes. Remember, respecting nature and its inhabitants is key to this creative endeavor.

How to Dye Fabric with Lavender

Here is the full process we have shared below:

Step By Step Guide

Our first dyeing adventure begins with the delicate butterfly lavender, also known as Mexican, Spanish, or French lavender. This plant offers its vivid hues and plays host to the graceful monarch butterfly. To start, gather a mix of buds, leaves, and stems from your butterfly lavender plant.

Harvest with Care

Snip a combination of flower buds, leaves, and stems from your butterfly lavender plant, ensuring you leave enough for the butterflies and bees.


Clean the harvested parts by gently rinsing them with water. Pat them dry with a cloth or paper towel.

Color Extraction

Place your lavender parts into a dye pot and cover them with enough water. Gently simmer the mixture over low heat for an hour or more. The longer you simmer, the stronger the color will be.

Strain and Cool

Strain the liquid to remove the lavender pieces once you’re satisfied with the color extraction. Allow the dye bath to cool to room temperature.

Dyeing the Fabric

Wet your fabric (cotton or silk work well) thoroughly, then place it into the cooled dye bath. Let the fabric soak for several hours or overnight to absorb the color.

Rinse and Dry

After dyeing, rinse the fabric with cold water until the water runs clear. Hang or lay the fabric flat to dry.

Exploring Your Results

Unveil the captivating hues that your butterfly lavender has gifted your fabric. You’ll discover a range of soft, elegant colors that capture the essence of your garden. Experiment with different fabric types and dye concentrations to achieve unique effects.

Video: How to Make Natural Dye From the Garden

FAQ – People Also Ask

What types of fabrics can I dye with lavender?

Lavender dye works best on natural fibers like cotton, silk, and wool. These fabrics readily absorb the color, resulting in beautifully subtle shades that capture lavender’s essence.

How do I prepare lavender for dyeing?

Harvest mature leaves, stems, and faded flower buds from your lavender plant. Ensure you leave enough for pollinators. Clean the harvested parts by gently rinsing them, and patting them dry.

How do I create a lavender dye bath?

Place your cleaned lavender parts in a dye pot and cover them with water. Simmer the mixture over low heat for an hour or more to extract the color. Strain the liquid and let it cool to room temperature.

Can I adjust the color intensity?

Absolutely! The longer you simmer the dye bath, the deeper the color will be. Experiment with different simmering times and fabric soak durations to achieve your desired shade.

How do I set the lavender dye on the fabric?

Rinse the dyed fabric with cold water until the water runs clear. Then, gently wash the fabric with a mild detergent. Lavender dye is more delicate, so avoid harsh washing methods.

Can I mix lavender with other plants for different colors?

Absolutely! Lavender can be combined with other natural dyes like onion skins or rose petals to create unique shades. Experiment with various combinations to expand your color palette.

How can I use my lavender-dyed fabric?

Your lavender-dyed fabric is ready for a variety of creative projects! Use it for sewing, quilting, crafting, or even as a stylish table runner or scarf. Let your imagination take the lead!


Dyeing fabric with plants from your garden is a truly rewarding experience that connects you to the natural world. As we explore more dye plants in upcoming Color Quest editions, remember the harmony we can achieve by coexisting with the garden’s inhabitants.

So, embrace the enchantment of butterfly lavender and infuse your fabric with the delicate beauty of nature. Stay tuned for more colorful explorations in the world of plant-based dyes!

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