How to Fold Jeans to Save Space – [Easy Guide]

Last Updated on March 7, 2024

How do I make my jeans take up less space? Fold jeans in half, then in thirds horizontally, align side seams, and store them upright on their sides to save space and easily find your favorite pairs.

Are you tired of rummaging through a cluttered closet every morning, searching for the perfect pair of pants? If so, it’s time to master the art of folding to save space and bring order to your wardrobe.


  • Learn to fold your pants in half vertically and then in thirds horizontally for a clean and efficient fold.
  • Fold jeans to stand upright, saving space and making it easy to identify your favorite pairs.
  • Store folded pants on their sides to maximize closet space, creating a visually appealing and organized wardrobe.
  • Apply the same folding technique to shorts and other casual bottoms for uniformity.
  • Opt for slimline hangers to hang dress pants and delicate fabrics, preventing wrinkles and maximizing space.

Additional Resources – How to Fold a Quilt – (to Gift, Display & Storage)

Here, we’ll guide you through a step-by-step process on how to fold jeans to save space, helping you maximize your closet space and keep your wardrobe organized.

How to Fold Jeans to Save Space

How to Fold Jeans to Save Space

To save space when folding jeans, start by folding them in half, then in thirds. Ensure the side seams are aligned, allowing the jeans to stand on their own, and store them on their sides in the closet for optimal space utilization.

Step 1: Fold in Half

Fold in Half
Fold in Half

Start by laying your pants flat on a clean surface. Smooth out any wrinkles to ensure a neat fold. Then, fold the pants in half vertically, bringing one side over to meet the other.

This creates a clean, straight line down the center of the pants, making them more manageable to fold further.

Step 2: Fold in Thirds

Fold in Thirds
Fold in Thirds

Take the folded pants and fold them in thirds horizontally. Begin by folding the bottom third up towards the waistband, then fold the top third down. This creates a compact, rectangular shape that is easy to stack or store.

Step 3: Jeans Should Stand

Jeans Should Stand
Jeans Should Stand

When it comes to jeans, a clever trick is folding them in a way that allows them to stand independently. After folding them in half and thirds, ensure the side seams are aligned.

Stand the jeans upright, ensuring the bottom of the pants forms a stable base. This saves space and makes it easier to identify your favorite pairs at a glance.

Step 4: Store on Side to Save Space

Store on Side to Save Space
Store on Side to Save Space

To optimize your closet space, store your folded pants on their sides rather than stacking them horizontally. This method lets you see each pair clearly, eliminating the need to disrupt the entire stack when searching for a specific pair. It’s a game-changer for keeping your closet organized and visually appealing.

Additional Tips

  • Use the same folding technique for shorts and other casual bottoms to maintain uniformity in your closet.
  • Consider investing in slimline hangers to hang dress pants and delicate fabrics, saving even more space and preventing creases.
  • Rotate your pants periodically to prevent wrinkles and ensure even wear.


With a little attention to detail and a commitment to maintaining order, you can transform your closet into a space-saving haven. By folding your pants efficiently and storing them on their sides, you save space and create a visually appealing and well-organized wardrobe. So, say goodbye to the chaos of a cluttered closet and hello to a more streamlined, efficient morning routine.