How to Make Twisted Cord – (Tutorial)

Last Updated on February 25, 2024

If you’ve ever wanted to add a touch of elegance to your baby knits or any other project that requires a beautiful cord, you’re in luck! In this quick tutorial, we’ll explore a simple yet effective method to create professional-looking twisted cords.

With just a few strands of yarn and a little technique, you can elevate your crafting game and produce stunning cords that range from delicate to chunky.

How to Make Twisted Cord

How to Make Twisted Cord

So, how do you make a twisted cord? To make a twisted cord, gather 8 strands of yarn, secure one end to a fixed point, and twist the strands by rubbing your palms together. Double the twisted cord back on itself, let it spin, and finish by knotting and trimming the ends.

Experiment with colors for varied effects, creating cords from delicate to chunky. Let’s get started on step by step guide!


Step 1: Prep Your Yarn

Prep Your Yarn
Prep Your Yarn

Start by cutting 8 strands of yarn, ensuring they are roughly the same length. To make handling easier, create a small loop at one end of the strands. This loop will be used to secure the yarn to a fixed point.

Step 2: Set Up Your Workspace

Set Up Your Workspace
Set Up Your Workspace

Attach the looped end of your yarn to a fixed point, such as a table clamp or doorknob. Ensure the yarn is taut and ready for the twisting process.

Step 3: Initial Twist

Initial Twist
Initial Twist

Hold all the strands together and lay them in the palm of your hand. Rub your palms together to start the twisting process. Continue until some slack is taken out and the cord begins to kink up on itself.

Step 4: Utilize the Twist

Utilize the Twist
Utilize the Twist

Place one finger at the approximate midpoint of the cord and double it back on itself. Slip it off the anchor point and begin twisting in the opposite direction. Allow the natural spin in the cord to do the work for you, and use your hands to even out the kinks.

Step 5: Finishing Touches

How to Make Twisted Cord
How to Make Twisted Cord

Once you’re satisfied with the twist and the cord looks elegant, knot off the ends securely. Trim any excess yarn. Remember that doubling the yarn on itself and the twisting process will result in a shorter cord, so plan for at least twice the length you want the finished cord to be.

Step 6: Experiment with Colors

To add a creative flair, try using two different-colored yarns for a two-toned effect. The possibilities are endless, and you can create cords ranging from delicate to chunky by adjusting the thickness of your yarn strands.


Can I use different types of yarn for making twisted cords?

To achieve unique and diverse twisted cord designs, you can experiment with various yarn types, including different fibers and textures.

How do I prevent the cord from getting too twisted or kinking excessively during the process?

Pay attention to the tension while spinning the cord. If it’s getting overly twisted, release some tension and allow the cord to relax. Practice will help you find the right balance between twist and flexibility.

Can I make twisted cords, like a table clamp or doorknob, without a fixed point?

A3: While a fixed point provides stability, you can also use a friend to hold the yarn taut or get creative with other secure options, like tying the yarn to a heavy object.

What if I want a longer cord?

Plan ahead and cut your yarn strands at least twice the length you want the finished cord to be. The doubling and twisting process will result in a shorter final length.

How can I add variety to my twisted cords?

Experiment with different yarn colors, mix textures, or even combine two colors for a two-toned effect. Adjusting the thickness of your yarn strands will also give you cords of varying sizes.

Can I use twisted cords for projects other than baby knits?

Twisted cords are versatile and can be used for various projects, including accessories, home decor, and embellishments for various crafts.

What’s the best way to store leftover twisted cords for future use?

To prevent tangling, coil the twisted cord neatly and secure it with a clip or tie. Storing them in clear plastic bags or containers will keep them organized and ready for your next project.


You’ve just mastered the art of making twisted cords that add a touch of professionalism to your handmade creations. Experiment with different yarn colors and thicknesses to create cords that perfectly complement your projects. With this simple technique, your crafts will surely stand out with a unique and stylish finishing touch.