How to Measure Outseam? Step by step

Last Updated on December 4, 2023

The perfect fit for your pants is crucial for a polished and comfortable look. One key measurement in achieving this is the outseam.

While it might sound simple, measuring outseam requires attention to detail to ensure the pants hang just right.

How to Measure Outseam


  • Always measure the outseam with shoes off to get a precise length for the entire leg.
  • Ensure the gentleman stands straight, looking ahead during the measurement for a natural posture reflection.
  • Initiate the measurement at the center of the waistband at the back of the pants for consistency.
  • Adjust the outseam measurement based on your preferred pant break – full, half, quarter, or no break.
  • Strive for a balance between a comfortable fit and a polished look by mastering the art of measuring outseam accurately.

What is my Outseam length?

To find your outseam length, measure from the center of your waistband down the side of your leg to the floor, ensuring you’re not wearing shoes. This measurement will help you determine the perfect length for your pants.

Read More – How to Measure Neck Size for Dress Shirt

How to Measure Outseam?

To measure outseam, ask the person to stand straight without shoes, place the tape from the waistband to the floor, and note the length. Adjust for preferred pant length—subtract less for a longer look and more for a shorter one.

Step by Step Pants Outseam Measurement

Measure Outseam

Here, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process to measure the outseam accurately and provide tips on how to customize the length for your preferred pant break.

Step 1: Prepare for Measurement

Ask the gentleman to remove his shoes to obtain an accurate outseam measurement. This ensures that the measurement accounts for the full length of the leg without any footwear interference.

Also, instruct him to stand straight, looking ahead, to maintain a natural posture during measurement.

Step 2: Position the Tape Measure

Position the Tape Measure
Position the Tape Measure

Begin the measurement process by placing the tape measure level with the waistband. Ensure that it is centered at the back of the pants for a consistent and precise measurement.

This starting point is crucial for capturing the length of the pants accurately.

Step 3: Secure the Tape Measure

Secure the Tape Measure
Secure the Tape Measure

With one hand, fold the tape firmly at the waistband’s starting point. Ensure it is snug but not too tight, allowing for an accurate representation of the pant length.

Hold the tape securely in place to prevent any movement during the measurement.

Step 4: Stretch to the Floor

Stretch to the Floor
Stretch to the Floor

Using your other hand, stretch the tape measure down to the floor. Ensure that the tape runs straight along the side of the leg, following the natural contour.

This step captures the full length of the pants, providing an unobstructed measurement from the waist to the floor.

Step 5: Record the Measurement

Once the tape measure reaches the floor, note the measurement. For example, if the outseam measures 41 inches, this becomes your base measurement.

Keep this number in mind as you decide on your preferred pant break.

Customizing Pant Length

Customizing Pant Length
Customizing Pant Length

Now that you have the outseam measurement, you can customize the length based on your desired pant break:

  • Full Break: Enter the outseam measurement as is.
  • Half Break: Subtract one inch from the outseam measurement.
  • Quarter Break: Subtract 1.5 inches from the outseam measurement.
  • No Break: Subtract two inches from the outseam measurement. This is ideal for those who prefer their pants to barely touch the top of their shoes, revealing a hint of sock.

FAQs on pants outseam measurement

Is the leg length the same as Outseam?

No, the leg length is measured on the inside with the inseam, while the outseam is the measurement from the waistband to the bottom of the pants on the outside.

What is an Outseam on shorts?

The outseam on shorts is the length from the hip to the bottom of the shorts.

How do you measure the Outseam of a tuxedo?

Measure from the top of the hipbone to where the shoe heel meets the sole to determine the outseam of a tuxedo.

How do you measure short Outseam?

Measure the shorts outseam from the top of the waistband to the bottom of the leg hem along the outside side seam of the leg.

Where does the Outseam start?

The outseam starts at the top of the waistband and goes down to the bottom of the jeans.

Does the Outseam change with size?

Yes, the outseam varies with different sizes, while the inseam remains constant.

What is the Outseam length of jeans?

The outseam length of jeans is measured from the waistband to the bottom of the pant legs.

What does 22 outseams mean?

A 22″ outseam means the measurement from the top of the hip to the bottom of the shorts is 22 inches.


Mastering the art of measuring outseam is the key to achieving a tailored and refined look in your pants.

By following these simple steps and customizing the length to your preferred pant break, you can ensure that your trousers fit perfectly and enhance your overall style.

 Take the time to measure accurately, and you’ll be rewarded with pants that look great and feel comfortable.

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