How to Sew DIY Luggage Tags – Step by step

Last Updated on November 25, 2023

Today’s creative project will take us on a journey to make DIY luggage tags. These tags not only add a touch of uniqueness to your travel gear but also serve the practical purpose of identifying your belongings.

How to Sew DIY Luggage Tags


  • Fabric, vinyl, heavyweight interfacing, and Velcro Needed.
  • Create a fabric “sandwich,” cut a window, and secure with stitching.
  • Craft a fabric strap, attach Velcro, and stitch it securely to the luggage tag.
  • Add a vinyl accent to one side, ensuring a neat finish with careful stitching.
  • Complete the tag by stitching around the edges, leaving a side open for inserting contact information or a smaller card.

How to Sew DIY Luggage Tags

How to Sew DIY Luggage Tags

To craft DIY luggage tags, gather fabric, vinyl, interfacing, and Velcro. Create a fabric sandwich, cut a window, attach a strap, and sew, ensuring to secure the Velcro carefully.

Add a touch of personalization to your travel gear with this simple step-by-step guide:

What materials are needed?

You’re ready to go on a fun and creative DIY project to create personalized luggage tags now that you have these items on hand.


  • Four pieces measuring 3 1/2″ x 5″
  • Two pieces for the back and front of the tag
  • Two additional pieces for the sandwich layers


  • One piece measuring 3 1/2″ x 5″
  • Used for the front of the luggage tag to protect the information inside


  • Two heavyweight, two-sided interfacing pieces measuring 3 1/2″ x 5″
  • Provides stiffness to the luggage tag


  • One small square
  • Divided into two halves (crunchy and soft sides) for securing the tag


  • One strip measuring 2″ x 12″
  • Used to attach the tag to your luggage


To get started, gather four fabric pieces measuring 3 1/2″ x 5″, a piece of vinyl of the same size, two heavyweight interfacing pieces measuring 3 1/2″ x 5″, and a small square of Velcro.

Making a Sandwich

Place one fabric piece right side down
Place one fabric piece right side down

Begin by creating a “sandwich” with your materials. Place one fabric piece right side down, followed by the stiff interfacing, another fabric piece facing up, and the vinyl on top.

Press the layers down with an iron, adhering to the instructions on your interfacing package.

Cutting the Fabric

Cutting the Fabric
Cutting the Fabric

Now that you have your sandwich, measure in 3/4″ from each side and mark it. This will be the border for the window.

Using a ruler, draw straight lines for the 3/4″ border, and then cut out the window. You can either zigzag around the inside of the cutout or use a straight stitch very close to the edge for a neat finish.

Creating a Strap

Creating a Strap
Creating a Strap

Take a 2″ by 12″ strip of fabric, fold it in half, open it up, fold it to the crease, and then fold it in half again. This creates a binding-like strip. Perform an eighth of an inch top stitching on both sides.

Attaching the Strap

Attaching the Strap
Attaching the Strap

Fold the uncut fabric piece in half and stitch it at the midpoint. Attach one side of the Velcro to the midpoint, securing it with several back-and-forth stitches. Be cautious due to the multiple layers of fabric.

Adding Velcro to the Vinyl Piece

Adding Velcro to the Vinyl Piece
Adding Velcro to the Vinyl Piece

Now, set aside the uncut fabric piece and work with the one you’ve cut. Identify the front and back, placing vinyl across the top of the back piece.

Stitch halfway between the edge and the zigzag to secure the vinyl. Attach the other side of the Velcro to the midpoint underneath the vinyl.

Final Assembly

How to Sew DIY Luggage Tags
DIY Luggage Tags

Place the two pieces together, ensuring the Velcro aligns. Stitch around the edges, leaving most of one side open. Be mindful of the thickness and stitch carefully.

Once done, go back and zigzag around the edges, leaving the side open for inserting a luggage tag or contact information.


So! You’ve just created a unique and functional luggage tag. Now, whenever you travel, your bags will stand out, and you’ll have a stylish accessory that reflects your creativity.  

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