How to Shrink Spandex – in 2 Methods

Last Updated on February 8, 2024

With its remarkable stretchability, Spandex has become a staple in the world of fabrics, finding its way into various clothing items, particularly athletic apparel. However, the disappointment of ill-fitting spandex garments can be disheartening. Here, we will explore the possibility of shrinking spandex to achieve that perfect fit.


  • Before attempting to shrink spandex, check the garment label for its fabric blend to ensure it’s suitable for the process.
  • When using the washer and dryer method or boiling water, opt for the highest temperature settings for effective shrinking, but be cautious to avoid damage.
  • Turn your spandex garment inside out before washing or boiling to reduce the risk of potential harm during the process.
  • Place the spandex item in a soft pillowcase before drying to restrict movement and ensure even shrinking.
  • Results may take time; repeat the shrinking process until you achieve the desired fit for your spandex garment.

Additional Resources – Fabric Shrinkage Calculator – (in Percentage)

How to Shrink Spandex

To shrink spandex, use the washer and dryer method by washing on the highest temperature and longest cycle, then drying with caution. Alternatively, employ the boiling water method by soaking the garment in hot water for 10 minutes and then drying. Repeat if necessary for desired results.

How to Shrink Spandex

Before we dive into the methods, it’s essential to address whether all spandex articles are shrinkable, considering the potential variations in fabric blends.

Can all spandex shrink?

Not all spandex garments are made entirely of one fiber. The garment blend is crucial, and if the article is not 100% spandex, it may affect the shrinking process. Checking the label attached to the garment is crucial. Pure blend spandex, however, is easily shrinkable under high-temperature water.

How can you shrink spandex?

Shrinking spandex requires delicate handling due to its stretchy nature. We’ll explore two foolproof methods using the power of water and high heat: the washer and dryer and boiling water methods.

1. Washer and Dryer Method

Does spandex shrink in the dryer? Yes, spandex can shrink in the dryer, especially when subjected to high temperatures and extended drying times. Using the washer and dryer method with caution is recommended to achieve the desired fit without causing damage.

  • Turn your spandex garment inside out to reduce the risk of damage.
  • Place the garment in the washing machine on the highest temperature setting and the longest cycle available.
  • After washing, transfer the item to a soft pillowcase to restrict movement in the dryer.
  • Dry the garment in the dryer at the highest temperature and longest drying time setting.

It’s important to note that results may not be achieved on the first attempt, and repeating the process is normal, especially if the garment is thicker than usual.

2. Boiling Water Method

Does spandex shrink in hot water? Yes, spandex can shrink in the dryer, especially when subjected to high temperatures and extended drying times. Using the washer and dryer method with caution is recommended to achieve the desired fit without causing damage.

  • Boil clean water in a pot and let it simmer.
  • Remove the pot from heat and place the spandex item in the hot water, allowing it to soak for approximately 10 minutes or until the water cools.
  • Carefully take the item out and put it in a pillowcase.
  • Dry the garment in the dryer at the highest temperature and longest drying time setting.

If a dryer is unavailable, a blow dryer can be used, but caution is necessary to prevent damage. Like the washer and dryer method, the boiling water method is open to iterations until the desired outcome is achieved.


Can all spandex garments be shrunk using these methods?

Pure blend spandex garments can be easily shrunk using high-temperature water. However, if the garment is not 100% spandex, it’s essential to check the label for the fabric blend, as this may affect the shrinking process.

Is there a risk of damaging the spandex while shrinking it?

Spandex is a delicate and stretchy material, so there is a risk of damage if not handled carefully. Following the recommended steps in either the washer and dryer or boiling water method minimizes this risk. Always turn the garment inside out and use preventive measures like placing it in a pillowcase.

What if I don’t achieve the desired results on the first attempt?

It’s not uncommon to need multiple attempts, especially if the garment is thicker than usual. Repeat the shrinking process as necessary until you achieve the desired fit.

Can I use these methods for other fabrics besides spandex?

The methods described in this guide are specifically designed for spandex, known for its elasticity. Using these methods on other fabrics may yield different results and could damage the garment.

Are there alternative methods for shrinking spandex?

While there may be other suggestions on the internet, not all methods are secure. The washer, dryer, and boiling water methods are recommended here due to their effectiveness and minimal risk of damage to the spandex fibers.

Can I shrink spandex without a drying machine?

Yes, you can. If a drying machine is unavailable, a blow dryer is an alternative. However, be cautious and move the blow dryer to prevent concentrated heat in one area, which could potentially damage the spandex.

Is it necessary to repeat the process even if the garment fits after the first attempt?

If the garment fits perfectly after the first attempt, there’s no need to repeat the process. However, if you’re unsatisfied with the results of the fit, feel free to iterate the shrinking process until you achieve the desired outcome.


Shrinking spandex can be a game-changer in ensuring your clothing fits as intended. Whether using the washer and dryer method or the boiling water method, following the recommended steps will help you achieve the desired results without causing irreversible damage. With this guide, you can confidently embark on the journey of perfecting the fit of your spandex garments.