Common Janome 6700 Problems and Solutions

Last Updated on February 1, 2024

If you’re a proud owner of the Janome 6700 sewing machine, you know it’s a reliable workhorse that can tackle various projects. However, like any machine, it may encounter issues from time to time.


  • Check and ensure the needle moves smoothly by troubleshooting the needle position problem.
  • Resolve erratic needle movement by following steps to re-time the Janome 6700, ensuring consistent stitching.
  • Change needles every three full bobbins, unthread properly, clean the bobbin case, and feed dogs for optimal machine performance.
  • Opt for a brush or vacuum cleaner attachment instead of canned air to prevent debris buildup and moisture in the machine.
  • Protect your Janome 6700 from dust and lint by using the machine cover when not in use to maintain its longevity.

Janome 6700 Problems and Solutions

Here, we’ll address two common problems with the Janome 6700 and provide step-by-step solutions.

1. Needle Position Problem

Needle Position Problem
Needle Position Problem

One frustrating issue that some Janome 6700 users encounter is a needle position problem. If you’ve noticed that your needle isn’t moving as smoothly or accurately as it should, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve this issue.

The needle position problem can be frustrating, but it’s often manageable with some troubleshooting. Here’s how you can identify and fix the issue:

  • Turn off the machine and ensure the needle is about halfway up.
  • Pull on the needle clamp from left to right, checking for a smooth movement.
  • Turn the machine back on, lift the presser foot, and allow it to reset.
  • Remove the screw and end cap to access the joint connected to the black arm.
  • Ensure the black arm, responsible for moving the needle left to right, is securely fixed to the needle shaft mechanism.
  • Optionally, check the motor and its mechanism for loose screws, ensuring the arm moves smoothly.

Following these steps, you can diagnose and resolve needle position problems, ensuring your Janome 6700 operates seamlessly.

2. Re-timing the Machine

Re-timing the Machine
Re-timing the Machine

Another common issue that Janome 6700 users may encounter is the need for re-timing. Re-timing is necessary when the needle and hook timing is off, leading to stitching problems such as skipped stitches or thread breakage.

If you notice erratic needle movement or if the motor moves but the arm doesn’t, you may need to re-time your Janome 6700.

Follow these steps to re-time the machine:

  • Turn off the machine with the needle halfway up.
  • Pull on the needle clamp to ensure a fluid movement from left to right.
  • Turn the machine back on, lift the presser foot, and let it reset.
  • Remove the screw and end cap to access the joint.
  • Examine the black arm and ensure it securely connects to the needle shaft mechanism.
  • If needed, lift the top slightly to access the motor. Observe the movement to check for loose screws or erratic behavior.

Re-timing the machine may solve issues with inconsistent needle movement, ensuring smooth and accurate stitching.

Basic Maintenance Tips

Aside from troubleshooting specific problems, regular maintenance is crucial for keeping your Janome 6700 in optimal condition. Maintaining your Janome 6700 is key to ensuring its longevity and optimal performance.

Follow these basic maintenance tips to keep your sewing machine in top-notch condition:

Needle Change Routine

Needle Change Routine
Needle Change Routine
  • Change the needle regularly, approximately every three full bobbins or after extensive use.
  • Over time, the needle tip can become dull, leading to potential fabric damage. A fresh needle ensures smooth and precise stitching.

Proper Unthreading Technique

Proper Unthreading Technique
Proper Unthreading Technique
  • When unthreading the machine, always pull the thread towards the needle rather than backward out of the machine.
  • This practice helps prevent lint buildup in the tension discs, ensuring consistent thread tension during sewing.

Thorough Cleaning

Thorough Cleaning
Thorough Cleaning
  • Regularly clean the bobbin case, needle plate, and feed dogs to prevent lint accumulation.
  • Use a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner attachment to remove lint and debris from these areas.
  • Pay special attention to the thread cutter mechanism, ensuring there are no threads caught in it.

Additional Resources – How to Clean a Sewing Machine

Avoid Canned Air

  • Refrain from using canned air to clean your sewing machine. Canned air may blow debris deeper into the machine and introduce unwanted moisture.
  • Instead, rely on a brush or vacuum cleaner attachment to gently remove lint and dust.

Protective Measures

  • When your sewing machine is not in use, cover it with the provided cover or a dust cover.
  • Protecting your machine from dust prevents lint from entering crucial components and ensures a clean working environment.

Visual Checks

  • Perform visual checks regularly, especially after completing a project or before starting a new one.
  • Look for any loose threads, visible lint, or abnormalities in the needle area, ensuring everything is in proper working order.


With proper troubleshooting and regular maintenance, your Janome 6700 can continue to be a reliable companion for your sewing projects. By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to address common issues and keep your machine in top-notch condition for years to come.