6 Common Juki DDL 8700 Problems & Solution

Last Updated on February 11, 2024

Are you encountering issues with your JUKI DDL-8700 industrial sewing machine? You’re not alone. Many users face challenges ranging from thread breakage to presser foot lift malfunctions. Fortunately, with a bit of understanding and the right techniques, you can resolve these issues and get back to smooth sewing operations.


  • Follow the correct threading path to avoid thread breakage issues on JUKI DDL-8700.
  • Back off tension for smooth stitching, adjusting when needed for different fabrics.
  • Keep the hook timing precise to prevent skipped stitches and thread troubles.
  • If the presser foot isn’t lifting, adjust the screw for better functionality.
  • Regularly inspect and maintain your machine to catch and fix issues early.

Juki DDL 8700 Problems and solutions

The Juki DDL 8700 can face thread breakage from issues like too much fabric or forgotten tension adjustments. Problems like hook timing and presser foot lifter can be fixed by adjusting and proper threading. Regular maintenance is key to smooth sewing with the Juki DDL 8700.

Here, we’ll examine typical issues and offer workable fixes to keep your Juki DDL 8700 operating at peak performance.

1. Breaking Thread

Breaking Thread
Breaking Thread

Thread breakage can be frustrating and disruptive to your sewing workflow. Whether you’re sewing thick materials or experiencing tension-related issues, understanding the root cause is crucial. In the provided video demonstration, several issues leading to thread breakage are highlighted:

  • Too Much Material: Sewing multiple layers of thick fabric without adjusting the machine settings can strain the needle and thread, leading to breakage.
  • Tension Adjustment: Forgetting to readjust tension after changing materials or layers can cause thread breakage. Loosening or tightening the tension appropriately is essential for smooth sewing.
  • Hook Damage: In some cases, needle misalignment can damage the hook, resulting in thread breakage. This issue requires careful inspection and potential repair by a trained technician.


Ensure proper tension adjustment, needle alignment, and material handling to prevent thread breakage. Additionally, regular maintenance and timely repairs can help avoid more significant issues.

2. Hook Timing

Hook Timing
Hook Timing

Correct timing of the hook mechanism is vital for smooth stitching. If the hook timing is off, it can lead to skipped stitches and other sewing irregularities. The provided guide offers step-by-step instructions for re-timing the hook mechanism:

  • Loosen Screws: Begin by loosening the screws holding the hook mechanism in place.
  • Adjust Position: Carefully adjust the position of the hook to align it with the needle’s movement.
  • Verify Timing: Use timing marks and manual rotation to ensure precise alignment between the hook and needle.


Proper hook timing ensures efficient stitching and prevents issues like skipped stitches. Regular maintenance checks should include verifying hook timing to avoid sewing disruptions.

3. Presser Foot Lifter Fix

Juki DDL 8700 Problems - Presser Foot Lifter Fix
Presser Foot Lifter Fix

A malfunctioning presser foot lifter can hamper sewing operations. The provided demonstration illustrates a quick fix for resolving this issue:

  • Adjustment: Loosen the relevant screw and adjust the presser foot lifter mechanism to ensure proper contact.
  • Tighten: Secure the adjusted position by tightening the screw, ensuring smooth operation of the presser foot lifter.


Regularly check and adjust the presser foot lifter to maintain consistent sewing performance.

4. Main Shaft Loosening

Juki DDL 8700 Problems- Main Shaft Loosening
Main Shaft Loosening

Loose main shafts can affect overall stitching quality and machine performance. Proper adjustment of the feed dog timing is crucial for optimal stitching formation.


Inspect and adjust the main shaft to prevent loosening and ensure precise stitching.

5. Tension Removal and Replacement

Tension Removal and Replacement
Tension Removal and Replacement

Issues with tension assembly can lead to inconsistent stitching and thread breakage. Proper removal and replacement of tension components are essential for smooth sewing operations.


Follow manufacturer guidelines for tension removal and replacement, ensuring proper alignment and tension adjustment.

6. Tension Release and Threading Issue

Tension Release and Threading Issue
Tension Release and Threading Issue

 Correct threading and tension adjustment can cause thread breakage and irregularly stitching. Proper threading techniques and tension adjustment are essential for optimal sewing results.


Follow threading instructions carefully, ensuring the thread is correctly positioned between tension disks for optimal tension control.


Why does the thread keep breaking on my Juki DDL 8700?

There are several reasons for thread breakage. One common cause is putting too much material under the foot, especially when sewing multiple layers. Another reason could be forgetting to readjust the tension after sewing thicker layers of fabric.

Can I use nylon thread on the Juki DDL 8700?

Yes, nylon thread can be used on the Juki DDL 8700. However, proper threading techniques should be followed, and attention to tension adjustments is crucial to prevent thread breakage and achieve optimal stitching results.

How often should I check and adjust the tension on my Juki DDL 8700?

Checking and adjusting the tension on your Juki DDL 8700 is recommended whenever you switch between different fabrics or sewing projects. Additionally, regular maintenance checks can prevent issues and ensure smooth operation.

How do I clean and maintain my Juki DDL 8700 for optimal performance?

Regular cleaning is essential for maintaining your Juki DDL 8700. Clean lint and debris from the bobbin case, feed dog, and tension discs. Oil the machine according to the manufacturer’s guidelines to keep it running smoothly. A well-maintained machine is less likely to experience issues.

Can I sew leather and heavy fabrics on the Juki DDL 8700?

Yes, the Juki DDL 8700 can sew leather and heavy fabrics. However, using the appropriate needle and thread for such materials is important. Adjust the machine’s tension and stitch length to achieve optimal results when working with leather or heavy fabrics.

What size needles should I use for lightweight fabrics on the Juki DDL 8700?

For lightweight fabrics, it’s recommended to use smaller needle sizes, such as 70/10 or 80/12, to prevent damage to the delicate material. Adjust the tension accordingly, and test the stitching on a scrap piece of fabric before starting your project.

Can I use twin needles on the Juki DDL 8700?

Yes, the Juki DDL 8700 is compatible with twin needles. Ensure that the machine is threaded correctly for twin needle stitching, and adjust the tension settings accordingly to achieve balanced stitches.

Can I use pre-wound bobbins with the Juki DDL 8700?

Yes, pre-wound bobbins can be used with the Juki DDL 8700. Ensure that the pre-wound bobbins are compatible with your machine, and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for using pre-wound bobbins for optimal stitching results.


By addressing these common Juki DDL 8700 problems and implementing the suggested solutions, you can optimize the performance of your Juki DDL 8700 industrial sewing machine.

Conduct regular maintenance checks and seek professional assistance for more complex issues. With proper care and attention, your sewing machine will continue delivering reliable and efficient operation for years.