Remove Names, Letters, Numbers, Sponsor from Football Shirts

Last Updated on March 10, 2024

Football shirts are not just pieces of clothing; they represent the pride and passion of fans supporting their favorite teams. However, there may come a time when you want to remove the printed names and numbers from your football shirt.

Remove Names Letters Numbers Sponsor from Football Shirts


  • Use a low to medium heat (silk setting) on the iron to avoid damaging the football shirt while removing letters or numbers.
  • Take your time during the process, applying gentle pressure and avoiding rushing to ensure the shirt remains intact.
  • Use scissors to gently peel off the shirt letters, making sure not to apply excessive force to prevent damage.
  • Refrain from being alarmed by markings left after removal; they will fade away after a few washes, restoring the shirt’s original look.

Can you remove names, lettering, badges, numbers, patch from football shirts?

Yes, you can remove names, lettering, badges, numbers, patch from football shirts by using an iron, ironing board, and scissors. Follow a careful process of applying heat and peeling off the letters with patience to avoid damaging the shirt.

How to Remove Names, Letters, Numbers, Sponsor from Football Shirts?

To remove names, letters, numbers, and sponsors from football shirts or jersey, use an iron on the silk setting for polyester shirts, dab lightly, and gently peel off the elements with scissors. Be patient, as markings may appear but will fade after a few washes.

Remove Names, Letters, Numbers, Sponsor from Football Shirts

Whether it’s a change in allegiance, a player’s transfer, or simply a desire for a clean slate, this guide will walk you through the quickest and easiest way to achieve it.

Materials Needed

  1. Football shirt with printed letters or numbers
  2. Iron
  3. Ironing board
  4. Pair of scissors

Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s begin with the step-by-step guide!

Step 1: Prepare the Shirt

Lay the football shirt on the ironing board, ensuring the back of the shirt rests directly on the board and is straight.

Step 2: Adjust the Iron Settings

Adjust the Iron Settings
Adjust the Iron Settings

If your football shirt is made of polyester, which is common for most football shirts, set the iron to the silk setting (low to medium heat). Avoid using the cotton setting, as it may damage the shirt.

Step 3: Apply Heat to the Shirt Letters

Apply Heat to the Shirt Letters
Apply Heat to the Shirt Letters

Once the iron is warm, lightly dab it specifically on the shirt letter you wish to remove. The key here is to apply gentle pressure and not use excessive force.

Step 4: Peel Off the Shirt Letter

Peel Off the Shirt Letter
Peel Off the Shirt Letter

Using a pair of scissors, gently peel off the shirt letter. Be cautious not to apply too much force during this process to prevent damage to the shirt.

Step 5: Repeat if Necessary

If the letters do not easily peel off, reapply heat using the iron. Take your time and avoid rushing the process to prevent any damage to the shirt.

Step 6: Be Patient

Removing all the letters may take some time. It’s crucial to be patient and stick to the technique. Rushing the process could result in unintended damage to the shirt.

Step 7: Expect Markings

Remove Names, Letters, Numbers, Sponsor from Football Shirts
Remove Letters from Football Shirts

After removing the letters, you may notice markings on the shirt. This is normal. After a few washes, these markings will gradually fade away.

Step 8: Post-Removal Care

Wash the shirt as you normally would. Over time, any remaining markings will diminish with regular washing.


Removing names, letters, and numbers from football shirts or jerseys can be simple if done with care and patience. By following these steps, you can give your shirt a fresh look while preserving its quality.

Remember, patience is key to achieving the best results. Feel free to share your experiences and tips in the comments below, and enjoy your newly customized football shirt!