Can I Sew at Night – Is It Bad?

Last Updated on January 11, 2024

Can I Sew at Night? Sewing is a time-honored craft that allows us to express our creativity and bring our ideas to life with fabric and thread. However, amid the rich tapestry of sewing traditions and practices, some superstitions have woven their way into the fabric of this beloved craft.

One such superstition revolves around sewing at night. According to this belief, sealing after the sun sets is considered unlucky. In this blog post, we will delve into the origins of this superstition and explore whether there is any basis for avoiding late-night stitching sessions.

Can I Sew at Night
Image Source: Canva

Can I sew at night? Is it bad to sew at night?

Sewing at night can be challenging due to the potential for eye strain and associated issues. Engaging in stitching or embroidery in low light conditions can cause stress on the eyes, leading to difficulties in achieving precise stitches.

To compensate for the lack of proper lighting, individuals may squint to focus on their work, further exacerbating eye strain. Prolonged squinting can result in headaches and discomfort.

It is generally recommended to have adequate lighting when engaging in activities that require a clear focus, such as sewing. Sufficient lighting helps to reduce eye strain and allows for better accuracy in stitching and embroidery. If you find yourself needing to sew at night, it is advisable to ensure you have adequate lighting arrangements to minimize eye strain and potential discomfort.

Taking breaks and resting your eyes during extended sewing sessions is also essential. Remember to prioritize your eye health and well-being by creating a comfortable and well-lit environment for your sewing activities, especially if working during nighttime hours.

What happens if you sew at night?

If you sew at night, it can affect your eyes and overall well-being. When stitching or embroidering in the dark, your eyes must work harder to see well. The need for sufficient lighting can make it challenging to thread needles accurately, follow patterns, and make precise stitches.

You may squint to focus on your work to compensate for the low light conditions. Continuous squinting for extended periods can lead to eye fatigue and discomfort. This strain on your eyes can cause headaches, making the sewing experience less enjoyable and potentially impacting your productivity.

Additionally, prolonged eye strain from sewing at night may contribute to other symptoms, such as dry eyes, blurred vision, and difficulty concentrating. It is essential to prioritize the health of your eyes and take breaks to rest them adequately, especially when working under less-than-ideal lighting conditions.

To avoid or minimize these issues, it is advisable to sew in well-lit areas or use additional lighting solutions such as task lamps or adjustable lights that provide sufficient illumination for your work. Taking regular breaks to rest your eyes and exercising excellent eye care habits like blinking frequently and keeping a comfortable working distance from your job will also help prevent eye strain.

Why using needles at night is considered unlucky?

Can I Sew at Night

The same reason prohibits nail trim and brooming after sunset. The belief that using needles at night is unlucky stems from practical and historical reasons. In the absence of electricity in olden times, the nighttime was enveloped in darkness, making it difficult to find small objects like needles if they were dropped or misplaced.

The concern was that inadvertently stepping or sitting on a needle could cause injury, which is never desirable. Needles can cause painful injuries as well as infections and other consequences.

The tradition of avoiding needle use at night was likely passed down through generations, with our forefathers continuing the practice and considering it an unlucky action. It’s important to note that this belief was rooted in practicality and the limitations of earlier times when artificial lighting was not readily available.

Why can’t you sew on Sundays? – (Superstitions*)

The belief that one should not sew on Sundays stems from quilting superstitions. According to folklore, it was believed that if you sewed on a Sunday, you would face a peculiar consequence in the afterlife.

It was said that in heaven, you would be required to pull out all the stitches you made on Sundays using only your nose. This superstition likely originated from religious teachings emphasizing rest and leisure on the Sabbath and the notion that engaging in mundane tasks on a sacred day could result in undesirable consequences.

Similarly, another superstition associated with quilting suggests that starting a quilt on a Friday would bring ill fortune. The belief was that if you embarked on a quilting project on Friday, you would only live for a while to finish it.

It’s important to note that these beliefs are rooted in superstition and folklore rather than any factual basis. Many people do not adhere to these notions in modern times and are free to sew or quilt on any day they choose. Superstitions can vary across cultures and individuals, and while they may hold cultural significance, their validity is subjective and not grounded in concrete evidence.


In conclusion, the superstition that discourages sewing at night is deeply rooted in cultural beliefs and historical practicalities. While there may have been valid reasons to avoid sewing after dark, such as the risk of injury or the limitations of poor lighting, these concerns are less relevant in modern times. Today, we have the luxury of artificial lighting and advanced sewing tools that make nighttime sewing safe and accessible.

Whether you adhere to the superstition or dismiss it as a relic of the past is entirely up to you. Some may find comfort in embracing the traditions and beliefs of sewing, while others may see it as a mere myth without any real consequences.  

So, if you feel inspired and eager to create, whether day or night, go ahead and let your needle dance through the fabric, disregarding the superstitions that may surround it. Sewing is a beautiful expression of creativity and craftsmanship, and it should be enjoyed at any hour that sparks your passion.

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