Sewing Machine Goes Too Fast? How to Slow it Down?

Last Updated on August 2, 2023

If you’ve ever felt like your sewing machine has a mind of its own, racing at lightning speed and leaving you struggling to keep up, you’re not alone. Many sewers face this common challenge, especially when dealing with industrial sewing machines equipped with clutch motors. While these motors are ideal for factory settings and repetitive tasks, they lack the finesse and control needed for intricate sewing projects.

Sewing Machine Goes Too Fast
Image Source: Alexander Dyer, Canva

Sewing Machine Goes Too Fast – How to Slow it Down?

Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! Here, we’ll show you how to slow down your sewing machine so that you can work more precisely and easily.

Clutch Motors vs. Servo Motors: The Need for Speed Control

Clutch Motors vs. Servo Motors
Image Source: Alexander Dyer

If you own an older sewing machine with a clutch motor, you might experience the machine taking off too quickly, making handling fabrics like canvas and upholstery challenging. Clutch motors suit factory settings, where repetitive sewing tasks are the norm. However, they need more finesse and control for intricate sewing projects.

Enter the servo motor! A servo motor is an excellent alternative to the clutch motor, as it offers adjustable speed settings, giving you better control over your sewing machine’s pace. When you use a sewing machine with a servo motor, you can sew slowly, which is essential for projects that require precision and attention to detail.

In Addition – A detailed discussion about Clutch vs. Servo may be helpful to you.

Foot Control: Achieving the Perfect Speed

Foot Control: Achieving the Perfect Speed
Image Source: Alexander Dyer

With a servo motor, you can control the sewing speed with your foot. The wider range of speed settings allows you to find the perfect speed for your needs. You can sew slowly for delicate curves or intricate work, and when you need to speed up, adjust the foot control accordingly.

Balancing Speed and Control

Sewing Machine Goes Too Fast - Balancing Speed and Control
Image Source: Alexander Dyer

Finding the right balance between speed and control is crucial for a successful sewing experience. Some people like to sew stitch by stitch, which is achievable with a needle positioner or by using the servo motor at its lowest setting. However, many sewers prefer to set the servo motor at a mid-range speed, allowing them to switch between fast and slow sewing when needed.

Speed Reducers: Another Option to Consider

Speed Reducers for Sewing Machine Goes Too Fast
Image Source: Alexander Dyer

While the servo motor is usually sufficient for slowing down your sewing machine, some sewers may opt for a speed reducer to achieve even slower sewing speeds. Speed reducers can provide further control but add friction and weight to the machine, making manual operation slightly more challenging. Additionally, speed reducers come with an added cost and may require extra belts, adding complexity to the setup.

Our Recommendation: Cutex Speed Reducer (2″ and 6″ Pulley)


When dealing with a sewing machine that goes too fast, replacing the clutch motor with a servo motor is the best solution for most sewers. Servo motors offer a wide range of speed settings, allowing for greater control and precision during sewing.

Speed reducers are an option for those needing extremely slow sewing speeds, but they may only be necessary for some sewers.

 With the right adjustments, you’ll be sewing easily and accurately in no time! Happy sewing!

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