Sewing Merit Badges – 6 Easy Step by Step to Sew

Last Updated on April 18, 2023

Merit badges are an important part of the Boy Scouts of America program, representing a Scout’s achievements in various skills and interests. However, sewing them on can be a challenge for many Scouts and their families.

Sewing on merit badges doesn’t have to be a difficult task. With the right tools and techniques, you can ensure that your badges are properly placed and securely attached to your uniform.

Sewing Merit Badges
Image Source: lifesewsavory, Canva

Is there a sewing merit badge?

In the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), there is no specific “Sewing” merit badge. However, there is a “Textiles” merit badge, which covers various aspects of textiles, fibers, fabrics, and their uses, including some activities related to sewing and weaving.

If you are interested in learning sewing skills within the context of the BSA, you might consider working on badges that involve sewing, such as the “Textiles” merit badge or incorporating sewing into a service project or other scouting activities.

How to Sew on Boy Scout Merit Badges

Here, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to sew on Boy Scout merit badges, so you can proudly display your accomplishments. This article will provide you with the necessary tools and techniques to make sure your badges stay put and look great. Thanks for joining us, and let’s get started!

Sewing a merit badge tools needed

  1. Merit badges
  2. Fabric (uniform or sash) to attach the badges to
  3. Sewing machine (optional, you can also sew by hand)
  4. Embroidery or regular sewing foot (optional)
  5. Thread that matches the border of the merit badge
  6. Hot glue gun (optional)
  7. Scissors

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Step-by-Step Instructions for sewing badges
Image Source: Shutterstock

Step 1: Arrange the badges

Before you begin sewing, decide on the order and placement of your merit badges. You can place them in any order or pattern, but one suggested approach is to have a required merit badge in the center and non-required badges on the outer edges.

Step 2: Secure the badges with hot glue (optional)

To keep the badges in place while sewing, you can use a hot glue gun to apply a small dab of glue to the center of each badge. Then, press the badge onto the fabric in your chosen spot. The glue will hold the badge in place long enough for you to sew it, and the polyurethane in the hot glue will not harm the fabric.

Secure the badges with hot glue
Image Source: Youtube

Step 3: Begin sewing

If using a sewing machine, start by doing a lock stitch (if desired) at the beginning of the badge’s border. If sewing by hand, simply start with a secure knot. Slowly sew around the border of the badge, taking your time and stopping every few stitches to lift the foot and reposition the fabric.

Begin sewing badges
Image Source: Youtube

Step 4: Use the needle down function (if available)

If your sewing machine has a needle-down function, use it to ensure the sewing machine needle stays in the correct position when you pause to adjust the fabric.

Step 5: Continue sewing around the badge

Keep sewing around the badge until you reach the starting point. If you didn’t do a lock stitch at the beginning, your last stitch will essentially lock the first stitch as it runs over itself.

Step 6: Finish and trim

Once you have sewn all the way around the badge, trim any excess thread and admire your handiwork!

Video: Sewing Boy Scout Merit Badges

Unlock the Secret to Perfectly Sewn Boy Scout Merit Badges! Follow ‘FinallyMe78‘ as they reveal expert tips for flawless hand-sewn or machine-stitched badges on your sash. Never struggle again!

Are there any merit badges that require sewing skills?

While there are no merit badges specifically focused on sewing, scouts may use their sewing skills in various merit badges, such as creating projects for the “Textiles” merit badge or repairing gear for the “Camping” merit badge.


Sewing merit badges may take some practice, but with patience and the right tools, anyone can learn to do it. Whether you choose to sew by hand or with a sewing machine, following these steps will help you achieve a secure, professional-looking result. Thanks for following along, and happy sewing!

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