Singer Stylist 7258 Bobbin Problem – [Fixed]

Last Updated on March 2, 2024

If you’re a proud owner of the Singer Stylist 7258, you might have encountered a Singer Stylist 7258 bobbin problem with adjusting the bobbin tension. The manual might not provide clear instructions on this crucial aspect, leaving you wondering how to make the necessary adjustments.

Singer Stylist 7258 Bobbin Problem


  • Identify the small screw within the bobbin case using the peephole alignment for easy access.
  • Employ an eyeglass screwdriver (flat head) to make tension adjustments, as it’s not included in the machine.
  • Turn the tension screw counterclockwise to decrease tension and clockwise to increase tension.
  • Ensure optimal tension by testing stitches with two colored threads on scrap fabric.
  • Make gradual quarter-turn adjustments until you achieve balanced stitches for a smoother sewing experience.

Why This Problem?

 The Singer Stylist 7258 bobbin tension problem arises from the manual’s lack of explicit guidance. The tension adjustment involves a hidden screw within the bobbin case, and this guide simplifies the process for users, ensuring a smoother sewing experience.

How to Fix Singer Stylist 7258 Bobbin Problem

To fix the bobbin tension problem on the Singer Stylist 7258, remove the plate, locate the tension screw using the peephole, and use a flat-head eyeglass screwdriver to make gradual adjustments, testing with two colored threads until achieving balanced stitches.

Singer Stylist 7258 Bobbin Problem

Here, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step process to help you change or set the tension on your bobbin with ease.

Materials Needed

  • Eyeglass screwdriver (flat head)
  • Additional light source
  • Two different colored threads
  • Fabric for testing

Step 1: Remove the Plate

Start by locating the two screws that secure the plate covering the bobbin area. Using the appropriate screwdriver, carefully unscrew and remove the plate to reveal the bobbin case.

Step 2: Identify the Tension Screw

Once the plate is off, focus on the bobbin case – the black component where the bobbin sits. Within the bobbin case, you’ll notice a small screw that directly influences the tension. It’s essential to understand that the manual may not explicitly guide you to this screw.

Step 3: Use the Peephole

A clever trick to locate the tension screw is to use the peephole on the machine. Align the peephole with the screw, making it easier to identify. This visual alignment simplifies the process of adjusting the tension.

Step 4: Choose the Right Tool

Take an eyeglass screwdriver
Take an eyeglass screwdriver

Take an eyeglass screwdriver, preferably a flat-head type, to access the tension screw. If you don’t have one, look for a suitable tool in a home kit. It’s important to note that the machine doesn’t come with this specific tool.

Step 5: Adjusting the Tension

Insert the screwdriver into the peephole and locate the tension screw. Remember, “lefty loosey, righty tighty.” Turn the screw counterclockwise (left) to decrease tension and clockwise (right) to increase tension.

Step 6: Test with Two Colors

To ensure optimal tension:

  1. Thread your machine with two different colored threads – one in the bobbin and the other in the needle.
  2. Sew a test piece on scrap fabric and observe the stitches.
  3. Adjust the tension gradually, using a quarter turn at a time, until you achieve balanced stitches.


Why must I adjust the bobbin tension on my Singer Stylist 7258?

Adjusting the bobbin tension is essential for achieving balanced and even stitches in your sewing projects. Changes in thread types, fabric thickness, or other variables may require you to fine-tune the tension for optimal results.

Is the bobbin tension pre-set from the factory?

Yes, the bobbin tension is typically set at the factory, but you might need to adjust it based on your specific sewing requirements.

How do I locate the tension screw on the Singer Stylist 7258?

Remove the plate covering the bobbin area, identify the bobbin case, and find the small tension screw inside. Use the peephole on the machine to align with the screw for easier identification.

What tool should I use to adjust the tension screw?

Use an eyeglass screwdriver with a flat head to reach and turn the tension screw. Check home kits for a suitable alternative if you don’t have one.

Which way should I turn the tension screw to make adjustments?

“Lefty loosey, righty tighty.” Turn the screw counterclockwise (left) to decrease tension and clockwise (right) to increase tension.

Do I need to test the tension after making adjustments?

Yes, it’s crucial to test the tension with two different colored threads on scrap fabric. Sew a sample and observe the stitches to ensure they are balanced before starting your actual project.

How much should I turn the tension screw at a time?

Make adjustments in small increments, around a quarter turn at a time. This allows for controlled changes and helps you find the optimal tension gradually.

Can I use a flat-head screwdriver to adjust the tension?

While any flat-head screwdriver might work, it’s recommended to use an eyeglass screwdriver for precision and to avoid damaging the machine or the tension screw.

What if I still face issues with tension after adjustment?

If problems persist, recheck your threading, needle, and bobbin placement. If the issue persists, consider consulting the Singer Stylist 7258 manual or seek assistance from a professional technician.


Mastering the art of adjusting bobbin tension on the Singer Stylist 7258 is a valuable skill for any sewing enthusiast. Following these simple steps, you can confidently tackle bobbin tension issues and enjoy a smoother sewing experience.

Remember, patience is key, so take your time and make incremental adjustments until you find the perfect tension for your project.