Why is Bamboo Viscose So Expensive? – (Explained!)

Last Updated on February 27, 2023

Discover Why is Bamboo Viscose So Expensive? Have you ever wondered why bamboo viscose fabric is so expensive? Despite its seemingly simple construction, this natural fabric has many disadvantages and also advantages over traditional Viscose, making it a luxurious option for those looking to invest in high-quality garments.

Why is Bamboo Viscose So Expensive?

The answer is, Bamboo viscose is expensive because it is a sustainable, eco-friendly material that requires multiple stages of production and processing. The processes involved in transforming bamboo pulp into a soft fabric are labor-intensive and require specialized machinery, which adds to its cost. 

Why is Bamboo Viscose So Expensive

Additionally, the demand for this type of fabric is relatively low. It’s still new, making it more expensive than other traditional fabrics.

Here’s what you need to know about why bamboo viscose fabric is so expensive.

1. High Demand

Bamboo is an increasingly popular textile material with an increasing market demand due to its many advantages over other fabrics. Its luxurious feel, environmental sustainability, and softness make it an attractive choice for fashion labels and consumers.

As more people become aware of the benefits of bamboo, the demand will continue to rise – driving up the price in the process.

You may also read: Does Viscose Fabric Shrink? – (in Washing, Drying, Ironing)

2. High Manufacturing Costs

Manufacturing fabric from raw bamboo requires specialized machinery and considerable effort and skill from laborers to harvest the plant itself. It can also be quite expensive due to its highly durable quality.

Although this also means that it lasts a lot longer than lower-priced fabrics. It makes it more appealing to those who value long-lasting garments and have extra cash to spend on them.

3. Quality Materials

Bamboo viscose’s cost rises mainly to its unique materials: all-natural fibers like cotton, silk, hemp, and jute are expensive because they are harvested from natural sources rather than synthetically produced (i.e., polyester).

It ensures quality but also drives up prices compared to artificial fibers like polyester or nylon, which are much cheaper on balance.

You may also read: Can You Iron Viscose? – How to Do Easily (and Safely)

4. Environmental Impact

Bamboo is one of the fastest-growing plants on earth. It is a ‘renewable resource’ requiring far less water than regular cotton production. Thus, there’s less impact on existing ecosystems or sources of fresh water than synthetic materials, or cotton farming would incur.

Moreover, it grows without pesticides or fertilizers. So no pollutants enter into rest streams near plantation sites. This minor damage is done to these areas while harvesting these plants.

Once again, the environment is a paramount priority when producing Bamboo Viscose products making them even more expensive than conventional materials such as Polyester or Nylon, etc., contributing significantly towards financial costs for producing Bamboo Viscose Fabrics. 


 Most bamboo cloth is bamboo cellulose that has been chemically converted into rayon, and it is no more expensive than regular cellulose rayon. On the other hand, bamboo linen is made by spinning bamboo fibers into yarn, which is more costly. It has a silky hand and is solid and durable. 

People Also Ask – FAQ

Why is Bamboo Viscose Expensive

Why is Bamboo Viscose More Expensive Than Other Fabrics?

Bamboo viscose is more expensive than other fabrics due to the complex process of turning bamboo into a functional textile. The production process requires special machinery, chemicals, and expertise, contributing to the higher cost.

Is Bamboo Viscose Worth the Higher Price?

Yes, bamboo viscose is worth the higher price for several reasons. It is a sustainable and eco-friendly fabric that is softer and more breathable than other materials. It also has natural antibacterial properties, making it ideal for sensitive skin.

Are There Any Alternatives to Bamboo Viscose?

Yes, bamboo viscose has several alternatives, including cotton, linen, and hemp. However, these fabrics may offer a different level of softness and eco-friendliness than bamboo viscose.

Can I Find Bamboo Viscose Products at a Lower Price?

Yes, you can find bamboo viscose products at a lower price by shopping around and comparing prices. Look for sales, discounts, and promotions to get the best deal.


Bamboo viscose fabric is costly due to its sheer quality; renewable properties; stylish look; excellent durability; lightweight and environmental friendliness. These combined attributes make this fabric extremely valuable, ensuring owners get guaranteed longevity from their purchases with such fabrics.

Rayon – https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/chemistry/rayon
Environmentally friendly – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmentally_friendly
Antibacterial – https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/antibacterial

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